FOR SCHOOL SELECTION APPLICANTS ONLY: We have extended the appeals deadline for applicants with a documented barrier to Tuesday, Dec 17th, 2024, at 5:00 pm EST
Preliminary eligibility statuses are now available: log in and learn more HERE.
Participate in the Facilities Planning Process – Take the Feedback Survey or Attend a Community Conversation.
FLC now offers SchoolCash Online. Pay online for school fees, trips, etc. Learn more and register HERE.
For an early dismissal, email: Please include the following in your email: Parent Photo ID Student First & Last Name Reason for Dismissal Time of Dismissal
Click here for our slide show on Act 158. Video coming soon!
Here is Principal Lee’s Welcome Back letter for the 2022-23 school year. We’ll see everyone soon!
Here is a message from our principal. We look forward to seeing you at our Freshmen Orientation on August 26 at 10:00 am. Freshmen Welcome Letter 22-23 Translations for the Welcome Letter
The SY22-23 School Plans have been posted on the PESO website for public review and comment. Feedback forms are available in English, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese. To view our school’s SY22-23 school plan and to leave your feedback, please click HERE.
Upon accessing the Office of Assessment website, families will find guides and videos – often translated in several languages – that explain what each assessment is and why we administer them in our district. Assessment guides are available for Star, PSSA, Keystone, and ACCESS. Additionally, on this site there is a link that allows families…
See the link below for our 2022 Keystone Schedule.
Flyer – LEAP Official Topic: LaSalle’s Early Achievement Program (LEAP) Parent Information Meeting Time: Mar 15, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 839 1184 8109 Passcode: 683975 One tap mobile +12678310333,,83911848109# US (Philadelphia) Dial by your location +1 267 831 0333 US (Philadelphia) Meeting ID: 839 1184…