Freshman Orientation 2024-2025
Dear Freshman Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
We hope that you and your family are having a safe and enjoyable summer and that your child is just
as excited to meet us, as we are to meet them. We are reaching out to make sure that your child has
had the opportunity to pick up their summer reading book and is currently working to finish their
assignments for English, math and science. If they do not have access to the assignments they will
be posted on our website.
Freshman orientation will be held on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, we look forward to
greeting our 9th graders and their parents from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. We will greet everyone in
our auditorium. Students will work in their advisory and receive their roster, locker number and
combination, and Septa Key Card. After orientation, students will have the opportunity to take the
ID photo with our support staff. We will also take photos during the first weeks of school.
During orientation, parents will have the opportunity to sign-up for the parent portal and the FLC
SAC, purchase school uniform shirts, learn about graduation requirements, etc…
We also would like to use this letter as a reminder to families that all students must be
prepared to submit their summer work to their teacher on the first day of school for all
students, which is Monday, August 26, 2024 at 7:55 AM. If your child did not receive their
summer reading book, please email me at so that we can arrange a time
for them to pick it up this summer.
Again I say, welcome to FLC and we look forward to seeing you at orientation on Wednesday,
August 21st at 9:00 AM.
Mrs. Nicole Lee