Parent Letter on Schedule Change

Posted on November 13, 2020
Categories: Parents, Students

November 13, 2020

Dear Parents and Students,
In an effort to support your children FLC will engage our new schedule on Monday,
November 16th , to provide teachers with additional time to meet with students in small groups.

The Academic Support hours are from 1:30 – 2:59 and students will be scheduled to meet with their teacher for ½ hour slots(ELL students may be given 1 hour slots) to support them with concepts that they are struggling with, remediation, formative or summative assessments, and check-in support for essays and projects. All students will have a set time for Academic Support and it is mandatory that your child attend the session. If there is a conflict in the schedule, please make sure that you reach out to the teacher to let them know.

Here is the schedule we will be following:
Monday and Wednesday – Academic Support for English, Science, and Social Studies
Tuesday and Thursday – Academic Support for Math, Foreign Language, CTE, and Electives (CTE teachers are able to utilize Academic Support hours during week to support hours required by the state for their students)

*If a student requires additional support, teachers have additional times that are available.

Please remind your child that the Academic Support hours are not optional and that they are required to meet with their teachers, it is a part of their grade. If you have any questions or concerns about this schedule and how the office hours will work, please email me at

On a final note, this Wednesday, November 18, 2020 we will host our monthly virtual SAC Meeting at 5:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend! We are holding it a week early to respect the Thanksgiving break that starts on November 25th . I hope to see you there.


Ms. Nicole Lee